Saturday, September 16, 2006

There is one thing Jake might be,
All he's doing is barking up the wrong tree,
He may be right he may be wrongo,
But I don't think he plays the bongo.

See here see here,
I have a new hint for you to cheer,
You may have thought you knew my plot,
But I am here to tell you not,
In a couple of days I might have,
Some new people in my blogging staff,

Just to add a twist to the tale,
I think that the second blogger will prevail,
Where the first may have been idealistic,
The Second blogger may be artistic.

That is all I have to say,
So come again another day!!!


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hello everyone!!!! I am Jonthan Baker!!! I am an adim. on this blog. The great creator of this blog has asked me to host a competition to find out who he/she/it/ is!!! I am going to be giving you clues as to whom has created this blog and commented on your blogs!!!! Later!!!!!
ok, what on earth is this blog about? I am posting because I got invited by someone who will not be named, but I really have no idea what's going on. cool. let me know if you figure it out.
this is my 1st blog and im real happy about it, i dont really know what to write on a blog since this is my first time and i am new to this. i am writing this blog cuz some of my friends from church are wanting to know who i am, and im not tellin them cuz i want it to be a surprize, so here is my first post and the only clues to find out who i realy am. TTYL!