Saturday, September 16, 2006

There is one thing Jake might be,
All he's doing is barking up the wrong tree,
He may be right he may be wrongo,
But I don't think he plays the bongo.

See here see here,
I have a new hint for you to cheer,
You may have thought you knew my plot,
But I am here to tell you not,
In a couple of days I might have,
Some new people in my blogging staff,

Just to add a twist to the tale,
I think that the second blogger will prevail,
Where the first may have been idealistic,
The Second blogger may be artistic.

That is all I have to say,
So come again another day!!!



Blogger Jonathan said...

Man, Im good!!!!

6:22 AM  
Blogger faith said...

holy cow, who knew you had it in you?! Hail hail the mighty poet Baker; I am stunned.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Thank you. This is all my own work and I am very proud of it. (I am bowing)(Applause)

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Jonathan, you had me in tears as I read this over. Beautiful work, but it still doesn't help us much...


3:16 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I was in tears writing it. It took all i had to finish this beautiful poem. Thank you.

4:03 PM  
Blogger internetjason said...

i don't think i've mentioned this yet, but wack is spelled: WHACK. like, i just WHACKed blogs*r*wack on the head with a dodgeball!

oh, and jonathan, i have one thing to say about your writing:

the poem, a noble try,
failed, though, to bring a cry.
in my lack of tears
i overwhelm with fears

see the clock tick tick
of saturday coming so quick
the red ball fast at my face
oh whom shall i embrace

but now this poem i must suspend
for i have come to the ... finish

ok, i just couldn't think of anything else, and i certainly couldn't think of anything that rhymed with "suspend". oh well.

3:54 PM  
Blogger internetjason said...

i have seen the comment, i just like repeating myself and being redundant.

7:38 AM  
Blogger faith said...

HAhahahahahah! Wow Jason, between you an Jonathan, I am pretty much bawling my eyes out. I am seiously impressed with the poetry. I always thought there was something especially nice about guys writing brothers just think it's stupid. But I am quite the connoiseur of poetry, and if I do say so myself, that was moving.

Ere Satern's day comes,
on this it's eve
quake, dread in your homes
oh, do not leave
for tomorrow indeed
your breath shall be snatched
yes, by amazment, and maybe the need
to dance; to be matched
with the awesome, incredible
Titanium Hippos;
Yes, there are dreadibles
and maybe, oh ho
your breath shall be snatched
by a ball, un dogded,
to the stomache, midst a match
so don't be too bogged
maybe a release
from this bored poetry
guys, get a job, please...

haha, just kidding. you guys are regular chaucers and shakespears! and who the heck cares how you spell wack? hahaha.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Mr. Sunshine said...

This to the who, we sotle our idea from.
I have a poem for you today.
This one is truely poetic and true to everyones life.

Homework! Oh Homework!
Homework oh homework
i hate you you stink
I wish i could wash you
away in the sink
if only a bomb
would explode you to bits.
Homework oh homework
your giving me fits.

I'd rater takes baths
with a man eating shark
or wrestle a lion
alone in the dark
eat spinach and liver,
pet ten porcupines
than tackle the homework
my teacher assigns.

Homework oh Homework
You're the last on my list,
I simply cant see
why you even exist,
if you just disappeared
it would tickle me pink.
Homework oh Homework
I hate you you stink.

Oh and by the way i must agree with my friend Faith

10:29 AM  

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